The Game is a rapper who has managed to stay both gangster and relevant while the hip-hop goal posts have been completely and utterly moved on him. There might have been a time where an actual real-life Blood would have been appalled at the idea of collaborating with Drake, but The Game has always recognised and respected talent where it’s appeared.
On 100, The Game shows respect for October’s Very Own, “I got a vest for every nigga with an owl on his chest.” The Game spits consistent bars over a G-Funk yet modern beat, with some Yeezus-y samples and some rolling drums. Drake is of course, as he often is, the real story on this track – giving a golden chorus and some big punch lines. Plus Drake is a natural choice on the song 100 given his ability to achieve that top speed quite quickly. At 5:45 it’s anything but lazy. This is a very solid effort and promising first single for The Game’s 10th studio album, The Documentary 2, the sequel to his acclaimed debut album.
The Documentary 2 is due for release August 7, 2015.