Foals’ frontman calls out sexual harassment at live gigs

Last week, Foals front-man Yannis Philippakis took to Twitter to call out sexual harassment at live shows.

In an interview published by DIY yesterday, the singer further elaborated on what prompted the Tweet, and why he felt the need to raise awareness to the issue of safety at concerts.

I think there was a girl – I’d read something – that was complaining about how she’d been treated in one of the moshpits I used to love moshing, and there’s an inherent aggression and violence to that type of thing that goes on at a show, particularly if it’s like a circle-pit type thing. I think there’s gotta be some common sense. But I also have seen, not necessarily at our own shows but just over the years, people can get sucked into those things when they don’t really want to be, and I think that just having an element of compassion for people that are in the set and you can see if someone’s not enjoying it or feels threatened or feels like they’re getting hurt, then I think it’s a small thing to say, just to say ‘look out for whoever’s there.”

Yannis continued, stating that, “Particularly there’s an increasing awareness of maybe the fact that certain girls don’t get treated like they should…there’s some shady shit that goes on, and I don’t like to hear about it sometimes.”

The comments come as an increasing number of  gig goers to vocalise their concerns. Anti-sexual harassment group GirlsAgainst was established recently in order to raise awareness to the issue faced by women at certain shows, with artists such as Harry From Peace, Spector and Austin Williams from Swim Deep all joining in the chorus of concern.

One can only hope that this ‘Macho behaviour’ is nowhere to be seen when Foals visit our shores for the Falls Festival and their own shows across the New Year period.


Lorne, VIC: Dec 28, 2015 0 Jan 01, 2016 in Lorne, VIC
Marion Bay, TAS: Dec 29, 2015 – Jan 01, 2016 (All ages)
Byron Bay, NSW: Dec 31, 2015 – Jan 03, 2016


Tues January 5: Hordern Pavilion, Sydney
Thurs January 7: Festival Hall, Melbourne

Click here for all Falls sideshow details!