German supergroup Moderat are about to return with their third album which is aptly entitled III.
Gernot Bronsert and Sebastian Szary from Modeselektor first collaborated with Apparat‘s Sascha Ring in 2003, and now they are back with their third studio album together. What started off as being “just about fun” has now grown into a fully fledged band for the underground kings.
Moderat’s music is like, “imaging yourself sitting in the cinema and watching a movie with an incredible soundtrack,” Szary described in a recent press release.
Their music has always had a giant scope of sounds and emotions but their new album sees the trio exploring this further, crafting dynamic soundscapes full of detailed imagery. And while they might have been brought together at the height of Berlin’s rave scene, they are now more focused on crafting pop songs that deeply connect with their listeners.
“The new album isn’t based on jams. We went into the studio and knew exactly what we needed to do,” Bronsert said.
This shift away from their normal processes has meant a change in their sound which Bronsert is only too happy to admit to. “I’d say our music has definitely matured.”
The new record sees them stepping away from guest features, to where Ring’s vocals are the preeminent force in the mix. While this may come as a surprise for some fans, it was something Ring was comfortable with after his years with Apparat.
Reminder is the first single to be taken from the highly anticipated record, and certainly bodes well for what is to follow. You can watch the bands first video to see them start from where they left off nearly three years ago:
Below is the track list for the third album:
1. Eating Hooks
2. Running
3. Finder
4. Ghostmother
5. Reminder
6. The Fool
7. Intruder
8. Animal Trails
9. Ethereal
III will be released on April 7th via Monkeytown.
Image: Flavien Prioreau