This morning I woke up (in Sydney) to the bleariest, most rain-pelted day ever. I shuffled out of my warm-with-body bed into an unspeakable cold. As I walked down the street, a freezing bluff shot up the gap between my pants and shoes. Why was mother-nature’s wintry hand trying to castrate me? And then, I looked to my Soundcloud and saw a Kaytranada rework of a J Dilla track. A sudden peal of light set my spine aglow; I was alive again.
You have to listen to this. It is everything that one would imagine from this holy union. The jazz-perfect hooks and beats of the rightfully deified J DIlla are reworked into a future-R&B sound-piece by Kaytranada. The smooth vocals climb and tumble over the soul-flecked soundscape in this Cirque Du Soleil musical manner. The point: it will heal you of your millennial angst and lift from the smog-blur that is your life.
Kaytranada accompanied the release with the following statement: “i did that sh*t live in the bbc mix and i thought id share it with yall beat by J Dilla from one of his beattapes and vocals by Mark Morrison obiviously. NEW MUSIC COMIN SOON.”
Yes. You did just read that correctly. Prepare yourself for more fresh-as-fuck Kaykay tunes.