The Soundtrack: Music To Soothe Your Post US Election Ennui November 9, 2016 Liz Ansley Features, The Soundtrack For when everything is garbage except for music. Continue reading
PLAYLIST: Travelling Songs for The Places in Between May 31, 2016 Samantha Armatys Playlists Wherever you might find yourself, waking or sleeping, lost or found, happy or sad, excited or homesick, here are some friends to accompany you along the way. Continue reading
Brian Eno Announces New Album “The Ship” February 25, 2016 Lauren Ziegler Album Announcements The album is set to include a Velvet Underground cover. Continue reading
“I Realise Now He Was Saying Goodbye”; David Bowie’s Last Email To Brian Eno January 12, 2016January 12, 2016 Georgia Bell News The ambient musician reveals he had spoken to the late singer just last week about a potential future project Continue reading