
Watch Tyler, The Creator & A$AP Rocky Wreak Havoc in Target

Over the last year, there’s no bigger bromance than the one brewing between A$AP Rocky and Tyler, The Creator. A friendship between East and West, the rappers have been getting up to some hilarious shenanigans, whether it be their freestyle earlier in the year, their link up on Tyler’s What The Fuck Now, or Rocky’s almost perfect impression of Tyler, the pair have certainly demonstrated an extremely amusing charisma together.

Returning with even more hysterically reckless behaviour, the pair prove that nowhere is safe from their whacky adventures, this time venturing to Target and wreaking absolute havoc. Posted in a series of Snapchat videos, Tyler is seen climbing in and out of the shopping trolley, narrowly avoiding bystanders as he trolley-surfs and tricks through the shop. Ending with Tyler with his leg stuck to the trolley and almost falling over, Rocky is losing his mind, infectiously laughing all through the background of the clip as Tyler goes about with his mayhem.

It’s certainly awesome to see artists outside of their music and their performances, especially if they’re as funny as this one. It’s videos like this these that remind you that despite the fame, they really are just normal people who like to do stupid shit at the shops, and all we want is to be a part of their shenanigans.

Image: HypeTrak