Long-running animated series The Simpsons has today announced that they will be airing a one hour special dedicated to hip-hop. Amazingly enough, it’s called The Great Phatsby, and special guests for the episode include Empire actress Taraji P Henson, and comedian Keegan-Michael Key of Key & Peele.
Now in its 28th season, the show has featured countless musical cameos across the years. The hour-long hip-hop special is apparently centred around Mr Burns befriending a mogul named “Jay G”, voiced by Key. Henson is set to play a Cookie Lyon-esque character, while Empire music producer Jim Beanz will be on board for the soundtrack. After Burns is betrayed by Jay G, he calls on Homer and Bart for help. As per the title, the plot is loosely based on The Great Gatsby.
Fingers crossed that the episode will also feature a cameo appearance or two from artists, although no further information has been announced. This will also mark the very first hour-long episode in the history of The Simpsons – previously, longer features have aired across two episodes.
This is pretty amazing news for any Simpsons fan old or new, and while the release date has not yet been announced, we recommend keeping an eye out.
The Simpsons has long been affiliated with the music world, with countless memorable episodes featuring the world’s most important and famous musicians. Click here to check out our list of the most memorable musical moments and cameo appearances throughout the beloved series’ history.
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