Flying Lotus

Flying Lotus’ Film Teaser is as Disturbing as You’d Expect

Flying Lotus has just shared a teaser for his upcoming film directorial debut, Royal. The teaser is, well, let’s just say if you’re the type of person who vomits when they see someone else vomit, I’d advise you to not click play on the video below.

The teaser is the style of a body horror flick, featuring two people screaming, sweating and vomiting. It certainly fits into what Flying Lotus called “an awkward love story that’s definitely not for the kiddies.” Watch it below.

Royal has been selected to debut at the Sundance NEXT fest on August 14. FlyLo has made the film under the ‘alias’, or rather his real name, “steve.”

Flying Lotus must have been itching to get in a direct his own short film, as he is no stranger to scoring them. He has previously scored several projects including Eddie Alcazar’s horror FUCKKKYOUUU, the Shia LaBoeuf produced documentary LoveTrue and Tim & Eric’s short film, The Terrys.

After announcing that he was working on Royal, Flying Lotus revealed his inspiration for the move into directing with a “pretty awesome” GIF of him and Thom Yorke.

Royal is not all FlyLo has been working on. He promised fans a new album this year and in a recent Facebook post he has confirmed (somewhat) that he is at least working on it; fans can expect a similar vibe to his Los Angeles album.

Image: Redbrick