In mid-2015, Music Victoria shared the results of its extensive, state-wide survey regarding the issues faced by women working in the music industry. The paper, titled Women in the Victorian Contemporary Music Industry, noted frequent instances of pay inequality between male and female performers. It also found there to be an imbalance in access to opportunities, a significant confidence gap, the major undervaluing of music made by women and perhaps the most unsurprisingly, that sexual harassment and assault are experienced by women in the industry on a frighteningly large scale.
Drawing from 300 respondents, the survey armed the peak body for the contemporary music industry in Victoria with the information needed to make a number of suggestions for improvement. Starting in their own backyard, one of the actions to result from the report was to increase the representation of women to achieve equal representation, including:
- Music Victoria’s committee of management
- Music Victoria’s sub-committees
- Industry advisory groups managed by Music Victoria
- The Age Music Victoria Awards judging panels
- Artist and panellist line up at Music Victoria run events and professional development sessions
- Public facing promotional material
Today, they unveiled its new gender diversity policy, which will ensure participation of at least 40% women across its. Commenting on the announcement, Deputy Chair Cassandra Pace said that the department “is committed to promoting gender diversity and the target is an important step toward achieving this. Music Victoria encourages others in the industry to adopt a gender diversity policy for their organisations.” The policy, outlined below, aims to demonstrate the commitment Music Victoria have made to encourage greater gender diversity within the music industry.
Music Victoria is committed to supporting, promoting and celebrating gender diversity in music. As part of this commitment Music Victoria will ensure participation of at least 40% women* and 40% men* across its activities, where practicable. Music Victoria will publish annual results to track progress against its gender diversity target.
* Music Victoria acknowledges that gender is a diverse spectrum and when referring to women and men it includes those who identify as female and male, and those who are gender non-conforming.
A significant and positive outcome from last year’s survey, it’s not hard to be enthusiastic about what else is going to result from it. Hopefully, the survey, its findings and now the first step taken to make a change will encourage other states and the industry at large to build their varied and talented female musicians and industry personnel up.
You can read the details surrounding the policy on their website under their Gender Diversity tab.
Image: Supplied