The 2016 iHeartRadio awards once again brought the goods this year, honouring some of music’s biggest names and delivering a plethora of outstanding performances. Taking time out from his huge world tour, Justin Bieber was one of the night’s performers and typically blew away the hundreds of screaming girls rushing the stage with a mini medley of two of his tracks, Love Yourself and Company.
Although the performance was solid, Bieber’s voice sounding great and his backup dancers giving an extra element to the 5 minute long gig, Bieber’s overall lack of enthusiasm is pretty hard to miss. Being swarmed by fans can’t be fun, but I found myself left quite disappointed with his very clear wish to be anywhere but there. His body was doing one thing, but his face was saying another. Looking positively bored, Justin Bieber got through the performance with a lacklustre attitude that is in line with his recent antics of not showing up to meet and greets at some shows, and cancelling others all together.
Don’t get me wrong, the tracks are jams and I have been bumping Purpose regularly since its release last year. But, being a new victim of Bieber fever, I found this all quite disappointing, and I can only imagine what fans who were actually there would be feeling. Apart from the girl that got to dance with him, she’s probably feeling amazing. Check it out for yourself below.
Image: The Fader