There is a reason why it is called ‘blind faith’. Desire will cloud your vision so that you ignore even the most obvious signs – primarily large scale announcements by a band that they will not appearing at an advertised secret gig. But despite Limp Bizkit’s assurances that the show was not happening, over 100 people still turned up to a petrol station in Ohio, hoping to catch Fred Durst and co for a special 4/20 concert. They even ignored the fact that the event was dated 20 April 2017.
The mastermind behind the cunning prank is one Brian Baker of Facebook, who created an event earlier this week, titled Limp Bizkit to play 4/20 Secret Show. Listing the location as Dayton and the time as 10pm, the page suggested that the show would take place at the Sunoco petrol station on Wayne Avenue. Gaining momentum with Limp Bizkit fans, the event drew thousands of interested fans – some of whom contacted the band to verify the event.
NOT TRUE – don’t let them pull one on you
— Fred Durst (@freddurst) April 19, 2016
As the story continued via social media and local news publications, Dayton Police Department stepped in to warn fans and locals that the show would not be taking place; “BE AWARE: There is NO Limp Bizkit concert Wed 4/20 at Sunoco station at Keowee St & Wayne Ave. These ads FALSE.”
Despite a full round of denial from the band and local authorities, and ignoring the far from official nature of the event’s advertising, fan’s continued to tout the idea of the show. With false flyers and set lists cropping up, tickets and claims that the event was sponsored by Monster Energy Drinks started to appear. One enterprising spirit even advertised $50 VIP packages for those who went to the Sunoco and bought a Mountain Dew, two Slim Jims, a container of engine oil and two strawberry-flavoured Black & Milds.
Some fans even suggested that if enough hype was built up, perhaps it would pile enough pressure onto Limp Bizkit to make them consider actually playing. Sadly, most of the pressure fell onto the unsuspecting Sunoco staff, who reportedly had to take the phone off the hook after enquiries became too frequent to handle.
As the night of April 20th arrived, it had become pretty apparent that the show was unlikely at best. However enough eager and faithful fans showed up at the location to warrant police removal. On the plus side, the whole concept seems to have provided a great deal of amusement for many, mostly at Dayton’s expense. One the event’s administrators, Andy Rowe, commented that “I have never laughed so hard like I have these last two days, yet understood so little about why it’s funny in the first place. I keep asking myself, ‘Why does it seem like the whole world is bent on seeing Limp Bizkit play at this gas station?’”
It’s a good question, but set on it they appear to be. With a whole year until the actual event takes place – who knows what will happen? If you want something bad enough… just make a Facebook event and they will come. Maybe.
Image: The Nerdist