Earlier this month, Ronald Savage (F.K.A Bee Stinger) spoke out against hip-hop pioneer and legend Afrika Bambaataa, claiming that he was sexually abused as a child. The claims came out of his self-published memoir Impulse, Urges & Fantasies: Life Is A Bag of Mixed Emotions Vol. 1. They were vehemently denied by Bambaataa’s lawyer.
Now, less than a week after Savage’s initial interview with The New York Daily News, three more men including Hassan Campbell have spoken out, claiming that Bambaataa also molested them. “He had the most fun house in the world,” states Campbell, who is now 39. “There were celebrities there, musicians, neighborhood heroes. It was the best place to be – and the worst place to be.”
“He is a pervert. He likes little boys.”
Another man, Troy, 51, speaks of similar abuse. “[Afrika Bambaataa] showed me a book with a picture of a penis and said, ‘You don’t have to be gay for me to suck your dick.”
“I know what Ronald Savage is saying is true because he did it to me,” said a third man, choosing to remain anonymous. “I have never spoken to anybody about this and when I did, I said ‘Holy s—, they finally caught up to him.'”
The response from Savage has been happy, expressing his relief that others are willing to speak out.
If you or anyone you know is suffering from depression or abuse, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Talking is hard, but important.
Image: Afrika Bambaataa