Beliebers across the globe are in mourning as Canadian pop sensation Justin Bieber declares he will no longer be doing meet and greets after the shows on his Purpose world tour. He is set to play 114 shows this year and fans were able to purchase packages that offer either 1 on 1, or group time. If you’re one who recognises a good bargain you will appreciate the prices which ranged between $900 and $2,000.
Bieber announced on Instagram and Twitter that he would be cancelling all future meet and greets because he ends up “filled with so much of other people’s spiritual energy” that he is “drained and unhappy.” He says wanting to make people smile and be happy leaves him “mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression.”
Bieber’s management team told a different story, citing a security incident as the reason for the cancellations.
Fan (@zmirich): "Someone yesterday on Justin's restraining order list had a fake ID and security caught him before they reached Justin."
— (@JBCrewdotcom) March 23, 2016
The supposedly obsessed and dangerous fan who is on Bieber’s security watch list got within 10 feet of him during one of the meet and greet sessions. They are now offering refunds to fans who purchased the packages or a ‘VIP group hangout’ as an alternative – but only if they are willing to give up the concert component of the ticket as well.
Bieber has made a bit of a comeback recent years after getting roasted on Comedy Central and releasing some music which was actually pretty good, including the Jack U collab, Where Are U Now.
Not sure why he didn’t just say it was a security threat rather than pumping out some drivel about the thousands of people who love him leaving him drained and depressed. Either way, stay safe Biebz.
Image: NME