Over the weekend, things got even more heated around the American Presidential race, as protests erupted at Donald Trump rallies. It turned violent, with protestors arrested, but it seems there is some good news to come from the chaos.
Thomas DiMassimo, pictured above, was captured by security guards after attempting to charge at Trump himself on March 12 in Dayton, Ohio. In the altercation, his shirt was ripped, but I don’t think he expected what would happen next. Thanks to a fateful photo of the protestor being apprehended by some guards, the internet picked up quickly that he was wearing a Dreamville shirt, as in J Cole‘s record label. DiMassimo tweeted about the fate of the shirt, but was blown away when none other than Dreamville’s manager, Ibrahim Hamad, tweeted him saying a box of Dreamville merch was headed for him.
And they ripped it and I'm so salty bout it. I got it at Cole first Dollar and Dream tour when he performed in ATL. https://t.co/cbN2vhsowJ
— MARLON BANDO (@Younglionking7) March 13, 2016
@Dailyrapfacts @Younglionking7 all good bro, we'll send you a box of Dreamville gear on us. Be safe out there.
— Ibrahim H. (@KingOfQueenz) March 13, 2016
This can't be life. #MartinLutherKingwouldvebeenonDreamville https://t.co/ZFqKuUeCSy
— MARLON BANDO (@Younglionking7) March 13, 2016
Considering how vocal the rap game have been about their detest for Trump, the sight of a protestor supporting one of their own would have been welcome news indeed. The presidential race is far from over, and tensions continue to grow over Trump’s puzzling popularity, so whilst we can probably expect many more protests in the weeks ahead, we should also hope that they remain as safe as possible.
Read more: Check out our review of J Cole’s Forest Hills Drive
Image: XXL Instagram