
Nicki Minaj Plays Controversial Angola Gig

Prepare yourselves Nicki Minaj fans, you are in for some positive and negative news about the outspoken rapper.

She has disappointed Human Rights Activists by going ahead with a controversial gig in Angola. It is reported that she received $2 million from the gig, which was attended by thousands of fans. One of those was President Jose Eduardo dos Stantos‘s daughter Isabel. Minaj posed for a photo with her before the show and posted it on her Instagram, where her trip to Angola was being documented.

Though many tried to convince Minaj to cancel her show, she responded with “Every tongue that rises up against me in judgment shall be condemned.”

According to the National Post, the country’s leader “has been accused of overseeing corruption and human rights abuses”. Amnesty International campaigns for fifteen Angolan activists who were arrested in June during a hunger strike. New York Post reveals that 70 per cent of Angolans are forced survive on less than $2 a day, many of whom live in poverty.

President of the Human Rights Foundation, Thor Halvorssen, says, while calling Minaj ignorant: “Minaj’s payday is all the more jarring given that she joined the chorus of the Black Lives Matter movement. It appears that when those black lives happen to be in Angola they matter less than a pay cheque from a dictator.”

In other news, she has also revealed the stars and title of her upcoming autobiographical comedy series. Entitled Nicki, the series will be about her life growing up in Queens and will star Ariana Neal as a young Minaj and Whoopi Goldberg as a neighbour of the family. Also starring as members of the Minaj family are Selita Ebanks, Wesley Jonathan and McCarrie McCausland. Minaj will be an executive producer.