In the latest instalment of Douchebags of the Music Industry, we present you: Safaree Samuels. Nicki Minaj‘s former boyfriend of 12 years has just announced that he plans to sue Minaj for not giving him appropriate song-writing credits across her three highly successful albums, The Pinkprint, Pink Friday and Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded. Additionally, Samuels is looking to take a cut from Minaj’s singles Only, Flawless (Remix) and Feeling Myself – the latter two both featuring Beyonce.
Though a lawsuit hasn’t yet been filed, one is reportedly impending with the Brooklyn rapper, who is already listed as an executive producer on Minaj’s first two albums, is gearing up to present evidence that he was closely involved with Minaj’s output. That evidence reportedly includes (but is not limited to) voice memos, footage from studio sessions and key eye witnesses.
Adding insult to injury is a new song Samuel’s has recently released a Meek Mill & Minaj diss-track titled Lifeline. The song is a straight up tactless fire at Minaj, claiming that he ghostwrote parts of her album The Pinkprint – “my bars on The Pinkprint no one will ever match”, as well as savaging their relationship via the tasteless line “12 years a slave anyway”. It’s probably worth noting too that in the past, Samuel’s has stated that he didn’t write any part of Minaj’s songs.
Samuel’s goes on to talk about Meek Mill, who is apparently not Samuel’s preferred choice for whom Minaj’s “decides to move on with” (no, that would be Drake, whose beef with Meek Mill has been prolifically documented). Because of course, he should have a say in that matter. Just like he should have a cut of her profits. He calls Meek Mill a “gorilla face”, as well as taking aim at his weight, before criticizing the sizable ring the rapper gave Minaj earlier this year, saying that he’d better go platinum because “she need a better ring.”
It all seems like a lot of effort coming from someone who, at the end of it all, claims not to care anyway: “I don’t care about y’all/You see my new bitch? Come on.”