DIIV have released the second single from their upcoming LP Is the Is Are, in addition to announcing a February release for the album.
Bent (Roi’s Song) is distinct among DIIV’s discography due to its lack of reverb, which frontman and guitarist Zachary Cole Smith justified as added emphasis on lyrical content.
Smith explained via tumblr that “roi’s song is about a lot of people, including myself, and our struggles along the path to clarity, sanity, and sobriety.”
The first taste of the album came last September, when the band shared Dopamine.
Smith announced some additional details regarding the new album, with particular emphasis on diversifying their sonic palette: “it is a diverse record, it is a happy record, a sad record, a happysad, sadhappy, mad, glad, quiet, mad, dark, glad, poppy, fast, slow, heavy, fast, peaceful, angry, chaotic, beautiful, lost/found, ugly, dry, wet, fuck, fast, dead, heartbroken, in love, loud, quiet, loud, loudquiet, quietloud, happy, mad, quiet, fuck, and loud record.”
Despite Smith’s intentions, the first two tracks from Is the Is Are have not represented a major stylistic departure for DIIV. The issue of sameness, which Smith is apparently trying to address, that applied to DIIV on their debut LP may still apply, however anyone who loves DIIV’s sound should enjoy the new track.
Is the Is Are will be officially released by Captured Tracks on February 5, 2016.