
“Amy” filmmakers turn to Oasis for new project

The team behind one of the highest-grossing documentaries ever, Amyhave recently confirmed that they have begun work on a film centred around one of the “classic British rock bands” – Oasis. 

According to Screen, the film will follow Oasis from the “moment in 1991 when Noel joined his brother Liam’s Manchester-based band,” to their official break up in 2009. According to the managing director of the film’s distribution company, Independent Film Sales, at the heart of the film is the relationship between the Gallagher brothers. “Two of the finest rock ‘n’ roll stars this country has ever produced. Mat’s (director Mat Whitecross) sensibility and style are going to provide the perfect complement to this tale of the rise of one of the great rock ’n’ roll bands.” It’s been reported that the filmmakers have gained unprecedented to both the band and unseen video footage. Considering Noel described Liam as “rude, arrogant, intimidating and lazy” before the band’s breakup in 2009, it’s sure to make for enthralling viewing and a hefty task for the filmmakers.

Whitecross has previously directed Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, The Road To Guantanamo and Spike Island, the latter  a film following a group of Stone Roses fans grappling to get ticket’s to the band’s Spike Island concert in 1990. He joins the Amy team of Asif Kapadia and James Gay-Rees who will act as the film’s producers. Despite the rave reviews and high box office sales of Amy, the film did garner criticism from the late singer’s father, Mitch Winehouse, who has said he will be making his own film about his daughter’s life.

There are very few other details surrounding the Oasis film with neither a title nor a release date hinted at as of yet. That is set to change next week when Independent make a full announcement on the film. Until then, one can only imagine that if the documentary isn’t to the Gallaghers’ liking as Amy was not to Mitch Winehouse, we’ll be hearing about it.