Florence + the Machine‘s How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful has been out for a few months, so it’s about time we got a few remixes to make the songs we’ve had on repeat new again. Hot Chip have obviously been digging Flo and her voice of a goddess. So they took Queen of Peace and changed it up a bit.
The powerful ballad has received the pristine electronic treatment that you might expect from the synth stalwarts. The addition of a quick beat, bass guitar and extra drums gave the song a totally different atmosphere. While it softened the serious tone, the power behind Flo’s voice that still managed to transcend over the beat was still there. It’s just a different take on a beautiful song, and we love it.
So, we now have two versions of this masterpiece just for you, perfect for any mood you may be in. The remix is more for those times we need something upbeat and happy to get us pumped up for the day or if we just feel like having a bit of fun with our music choices. I see it as a good addition for your running playlist. The strong beat makes it highly motivational and will easily distract you from the throbbing pain in your ankles.
We hope Hot Chip decided to take another one of Flo’s track, because this one is a winner.