50 Cent looks like he is planning to move to Africa. “My crib is almost finished in AFRICA,” the rapper wrote on Instagram on Sunday. “I’m gonna have the craziest House warming party ever. I’ll explain later. I got a good life Man.”
It’s crazy to think the recently “bankrupt” 50 Cent could 1) afford a plane ticket to Africa; 2) afford what looks to be a mansion; and 3) afford any kind of housewarming party. Point in case, me – on my relatively decent, non-bankrupt salary, I’m still having BYO BBQs.
This message is pretty funny, considering that last week 50 Cent reportedly had to ask a judge for permission to pay his household bills, including the electric, gas, trash removal, cable, Internet and phone bills at his 50,000 square foot Connecticut residence while he goes through the bankruptcy process. Did he not have to ask whether he could drop some (presumably) serious money on a new mansion?
It isn’t as if he had much capital, with stateside home in Farmington, Connecticut – an $8.5 million mansion once owned by boxer Mike Tyson – reportedly not faring well on the property market, with 50 Cent trying unsuccessfully to sell or lease it.
50 Cent did not reveal where in “AFRICA” this house was, nor did he say how he had financed its construction, but it seems clear that the Chapter 11 bankruptcy claim really was purely “for protection…so I’m not taken advantage of,” and the rapper actually has no money woes whatsoever.