In light of the horrific tragedy that happened in Charleston last week, hoards of celebrities and artists have weighed in on the matter. Whether it was a simple tweet to let fans know they too are grieving, or more frustrated and angry tweets about the state of race relations and ongoing tensions.
Lupe Fiasco is the latest artist to weigh in on the issue, and has perhaps delivered the most poignant and in depth response yet. Spanning three Instagram posts, he wrote an open letter to White Supremacy. The Kick Push rapper delivered a thoughtful and considered argument, highlighting how he does not believe one race is superior to another, knocking the notion completely off it’s pedestal and referring to it as White Regularity. The rapper wrote “There is nothing about you biologically or physically that denotes an innate mode of supremacy. For that matter there is also nothing about you psychologically, philosophically, cognitively, academically, socially, architecturally, culturally or even financially that signifies a high position above another other group”.
Receiving countless likes and comments agreeing with his bold but necessary statements, Lupe Fiasco has shone a whole new light on an increasingly difficult and dismal situation. Now, more than ever, is it necessary for those in influential positions to weigh in on these issues and do right by their fans. What are they there for if not to inspire and motivate those that look up to them so much?