We all knew already that Kendrick Lamar was changing our lives with his music, but it’s quite another thing entirely to be literally saving lives with this same music.
Seeing a crying fan in the audience during his set at the Sweetlife Festival, he invited Claire on stage where he learned he had played a part in he recovery from sever depression.
Kendrick spoke to MTV News after the show.
“I’m at the end of the show, and I see this young lady crying, and I’m thinking, She must be really going through something right now,” he explained.
“Then I start hearing her murmur with her lips, ‘You saved my life.’ So I’m like, Damn. This is serious. This is not for play, why she’s out here right now,” Kendrick said. “Then she said, ’I was gonna kill myself last year.’ So I said, at that point, I gotta bring her up onstage and show her some love and let her know this is real.”
The pair embraced on stage, before Kendrick invited her to stay backstage after the show to speak more personally.
Kendrick has often spoken of how his latest masterpiece To Pimp A Butterfly helped him get through a tough bout of depression, and had hoped that he could inspire others through his music.
However, I doubt even he expected to come face to face without someone whose life was essentially saved by his music.
“I listened to his music over and over and there were nights where I thought I was going to end it all, and I didn’t, and I think that’s because his words impacted me in a way that no other artist has ever done. I can’t thank him enough,” Claire said.
Like something out of a movie, Kendrick Lamar is saving lives now as well – as if we needed any more confirmation of his brilliance.