Though remixes by the likes of Kaytranada and Tchami make it feel like she’s been putting out fresh stuff for years, in truth it’s been a while since Janet Jackson has released anything – that changes now. Seven years since she released her last album Discipline, she’s released No Sleeep, the first single from her so far unnamed album out later into Winter.
She did in 2009 release a new single, Make Me, on her greatest hits album Number Ones, but this is the first major release she’s produced in a long time, and it’s been worth the wait. No Sleeep is so sexy. Jackson sings so soft over smooth piano and perfect claps, all about how she wants to spend the weekend.
‘A 48 hours alone, It’s gonna be a weekend marathon, So you better get ready my king, ‘Cause I’m gonna be the queen of insomnia.’
It’s beautiful pillow music, but also just really lovely to listen to. It’s what you might soundtrack to a weekend of a Netflix and chill while it rains, or maybe that’s just me fantasizing.
The album is rumoured to be called Conversations in a Café, which is the hashtag she’s been attaching to almost everything to do with the LP. Stay tuned for more, if it’s all as good as this it’s set to be an amazing album.