Talib Kweli calls him a trill “media darling” and we called him innovative and experimental. Now, A$AP Rocky has taken to The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to perform two of his best songs in front of millions worldwide.
Easily one of the biggest rappers in the game right now, his recently released At.Long.Last.A$AP displayed a density and diversity that we hadn’t really seen in his music yet – he was already mainstream, but now he’s making deeper, and quite frankly, better music. Sure it could’ve trimmed the fact (ie it could’ve been done around the 10-12 track mark) but for the most part, it’s one of the best rap albums of 2015.
Anyway, he served as a musical guest on Jimmy Fallon. Performing the psychedelic ballad that is L$D and Jukebox Joints. Fallon jokes, “… performing L$D, well he’s not performing ON LSD… well he might be actually, I don’t know.” Considering that A$AP literally started the performance lying down in a bed surrounded by colourful smokey lights, I honestly have no idea either.
I know it’s not actually a rap track, but L$D was my favourite track off his album, and one of my favourite songs all year so far. This performance with the live instrumentation and backing vocals from The Roots, is out of this world. As they seamlessly transition into the smooth samples of Jukebox Joints, the vibe only continues to grow.
Watch here: