With what might be simultaneously one of the sexiest and most soothing voices in contemporary R&B, Miguel has been dropping a few hints here and there about his third album over the past few months. Up until now, we’ve had a revamped version of Coffee featuring Wale, an album name (Wildheart) and a vague release date and that’s been kind of it. However, today we got a few more pieces of the puzzle: a confirmed release date and the official album artwork.
Set for release on June 30th, Wildheart will be the first album from Miguel since 2012’s Grammy nominated Kalidescope Dream. The artwork for the album follows along similar lines for that used for Coffee: washed out tones of purple, blue and orange with Miguel at the centre. Opting to forgo the crotch-less jeans from the Coffee artwork (and perhaps any clothing at all), Miguel is seemingly naked, or at the very least shirtless, with his modesty is protected as a naked woman crouches in-front of, his hand on at her side.
Miguel, or mythical space unicorn?
Not sure how I feel about the artwork, because I can’t get past the many space-unicorn painting (you know the ones) comparisons my mind keeps drawing. What I do know though is that I’m 100 per cent ready for Wildheart.