
Hot Chip’s new album is available for streaming!

Fresh out of the fryer, Hot Chip’s latest album Why Make Sense? is available for streaming!
(Apologies for the awful metaphor, I couldn’t resist).

When we interviewed Hot Chip’s Felix Martin earlier this year, he said he thought that this was the best album they’ve ever done. Finally, after many months of waiting, the world is able to hear the whole thing.

Their unique sound manages to blend precise electronica with real, deep emotion in a way that nobody else can parallel. In our interview, Felix noted that “Everything has been considered, every sound has been thought about,” and that the album was “equally new and nostalgic.” He also claimed that they weren’t that technically geeky, but it’s hard to listen to this music without completely losing yourself in the mix of both real beauty and technical brilliance of each layer and each phrase.

Why Make Sense? features their latest track, which lends its name to the title, along with Haurache NightsNeed You Now, and Burning Up. The album is a collection of the deceptively complex, unique electronic tunes that have made Hot Chip the revered and internationally successful group they are today, and this album in particular seems to be almost an amalgamation of every style and form they’ve experimented with throughout their career. A fluid blend of gorgeous melodies, honeyed vocals and a myriad dense and intricate beats and rhythms, this is easily one of the best dance music albums of 2015 so far, and certainly one of Hot Chip’s best albums yet.

In the lead up to the album finally being released today, they’ve created their own website specifically to stream the album, which you can check out here.