
Beyoncé and Jay-Z bail out protestors in Ferguson & Baltimore

Just in case you had forgotten why Beyoncé and Jay-Z are the worlds best couple, they’ve done something wonderful to remind you. According to activist Dream Hampton, the couple have been discreetly giving thousands of dollars to bail out protestors jailed after demonstrations in Ferguson and Baltimore.

It’s a beautiful display of people with money helping those without money, and a case where the power of celebrity can do a world of good.

Some of the protestors had been arrested and sent to jail with immensely expensive bails set over their heads – including teenagers who were being held on $500,000 bail for damaging a police car. Jay and Bey swooped in and donated money to help those who couldn’t afford to pay their own bail.

Hampton tweeted about the donations (below), but were deleted shortly afterwards.




While the couple has often been criticised for appearing apolitical within the media, this seems like a clear show of their support for the #blacklivesmatter cause and an end to social injustice in America.

In case you need any more reminding of how amazing Jay and Bey are, here’s the video clip for Crazy in Love.