
A video, a new album, a relationship advice hotline? Just a day in the life of Shamir.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I think I might love Shamir a little bit. He’s catchy, he’s sassy and he’s at least five kinds of hilariously adorable.

Take his single Call It Off for example. In order to promote the song, team-Shamir went ahead and set up a relationship counseling hotline (1-844-4SHAMIR) where fans in the US and the UK can call for advice from Shamir himself. No question too big or too small and areas of expertise include “side piece consultation”, “thirst management” and “talking to dentists.” Hilariously adorable – right? It makes sense, because as they lyrics tell us, Call It Off is all about getting out of a relationship that just isn’t working anymore. You can watch the promo video for the Shamir Call It Off Relationship Hotline here.

Of course, the relationship counseling hotline video also has a link to where you can pre-order the album Ratchet. Out next week via XL Recordings / Remote Control, (Friday May 15th), Ratchet is Shamir’s debut album.

In anticipation of next week’s release, a third video off the back of Ratchet was released over night. A change of pace for the Las Vegas native, Darker was directed by Anthony Sylvester  and filmed using drones. At the open, we see a more soulful Shamir bathed in blue and alone in the Joshua Tree desert, where he remains for the duration of the clip, which encompasses two nights and one day. There are no costume changes in the video and you can’t get turnt to the song, but it’s a logical transition to showing a softer, deeper side of Shamir and suggests that there’s going to more to Ratchet than just upbeat tracks filled with tongue-in-cheek lyrics (though I do love those).

Ratchet track-listing:
1. Vegas
2. Make A Scene
3. On The Regular
4. Call If Off
5. Hot Mess
6. Demon
7. In For The Kill
8. Youth
9. Darker
10. Head In The Clouds