In light of his soon-to-be-released EP Muddy Love, Milwaukee native Ryan Sallis has released his new, brooding single Confidence. Sallis’ gritty, soul heavy voice is accompanied by little more than an acoustic guitar, as he swoons his way through a beautifully written ballad.
The music video follows the woman that ‘gives him confidence’ through a black and white handheld camera. Though visually stunning, at some points in the clip I can’t shake the feeling I’m watching a clip of someone who’s recently died, and this is a compilation of all their happiest moments. The video follows the striking Bridgett Johnson cooking eggs, blowing out matches and getting milk froth on their mouth while smiling at the camera. While slightly twee, it does capture the mood of the smooth love song.
If you can move beyond these clichéd love scenes (the worst being playing a guitar on a beach barefoot at sunset), it is a wonderfully light, warm and beautifully crafted song which promises a lot for his coming EP. A live music fanatic, he has played over 100 shows in around his hometown.
Watch out for the release of Muddy Love, which is due out in late Spring in America.