Partially published first on Indie Shuffle
Grace is one of those artists who, on first listen, made me stop in my tracks. Her debut single Pluto came out late last year, and there’s been a LOT of hype building around her ever since. Edgy and interesting, it’s great on record and even more powerful live.
As she told us a few months ago, the Perth artist actually used to be an acoustic folk singer, and has since given herself quite the makeover. And I love it.
Patrick Wimberly of Chairlift has now taken the track, twisted it up, down and around, giving it a choppy, glitchy new sound. It’s one of those great remixes that change the entire atmosphere of the track, while never straying so far that it’s unrecognisable.
Exciting, dark and really quite strange, this is one of the best remixes I’ve heard all year.