Art and music often go hand-in-hand. The experience of listening to music is often made even better when associated with beautiful images, and vice-versa. In addition to this, there are so many aesthetically beautiful and creative mixtape and album covers out there that are often the cause of some amazing discoveries in music stores everywhere.
At Howl & Echoes, we’ve made a discovery of our own. Paris-based designer Michael Thorsby and Swedish media guru Tobias Hansson have collaborated to create a book featuring over 500 (mostly) hip-hop mixtape covers, in-depth interviews with the designers about their careers in the hip-hop mixtape industry and the creative process they went through in their art. It basically gives you a taste of the history of mixtape art.
Sporting what is probably one of the best names for anything ever, Damn Son Where Did You Find This? includes the incredible works of art from designers such as KidEight, Miami Kaos, Mike Rev, Skrilla and Tansta. In an interview with noisey, Michael says he had always been “fascinated by mix-tape covers, the maximalistic, weird style and visual concepts you’d never see on official releases.”
He also gives us an idea of what it’s really like to create one of these artworks. “It’s really a craft. In the book they speak quite a lot about that. For instance, when they started out the light was off, they didn’t quite match the colour cast of all the elements, and built their skills over time. You can see it in up and coming artists, but then you look at someone like KidEight, he uses all the same elements, but it’s a consistent, perfectly composed hyper-real image.”
It’s only out for a limited time so click here to get your copy. Get in quick, there’s only 400 copies available!