Jack White’s recent media attention may not have been for the right reasons (if anything has tried that guacamole recipe, let me know) but I’m very pleased to be able to share some normal, awesome, non-gossip column news with you here today: the fantastic, incredibly cool interactive video clip for That Black Bat Licorice. Incidentally my favourite song on Lazaretto, the recent Grammy winner recently delivered a blistering rendition on Jimmy Fallon’s late night show, which you can watch here. Seriously it’s fucking ridiculous.
Continuing his obsession of all things related to the number three, it’s a kind of ‘pick your own destiny’ clip, with three scenes to choose from:
1. The first theme you’ll see is an animated world courtesy of artist James Blagden. Feast your eyes on creepy ancient deities, dancing bats and even a good ol’ tongue slicing.
2. Hold down the ‘B’ key and you’ll see a video of various people head banging and jumping around in slow motion, directed by Brad Holland
3. Hold down the number ‘3’ and, obviously, you get the man himself in a live action theme, alongside people dancing in masks and more.
Wow. Just when I thought I couldn’t love him any more, he goes and releases this phenomenal piece of art.
Anyway, White alongside his own Third Man Records are shortly releasing a 7″ of That Black Bat Licorice with a B-side Harry Connick Jr cover.