
Touch Sensitive and Bag Raiders took Chinese Laundry by a storm!

Dear Chinese Laundry,

Please would you install air conditioning?



Last Saturday night one of Sydney’s longest running clubs, Chinese Laundry was graced by the presence of DJs Touch Sensitive, Bag Raiders, A-Tonez and more. It was a crazy fucking night.

Touch Sensitive kicked us off with an amazing set at midnight, although it was hard to fully appreciate whilst being crushed in the incredibly sweaty throng of people. To dance uninhibitedly, one ran the risk of either punching someone in the face, or being confronted by their neighbour’s sweaty armpits. Not fun.

One could argue that the humidity and the sheer quantity of people is the hallmark of Chinese Laundry. But would it really kill them to install some ventilation?

Luckily by the time Bag Raiders came on the crowd had thinned out a bit, and that’s when the night really went to the next level. Bag Raiders had people jumping and screaming right up until their unwanted departure at 3am. They really played to the crowd, letting the music fade and encouraging fans to scream parts of the song and then pumping it right back up again.

All in all the night was amazing, both DJs really know how to keep a crowd buzzing. But for the love of God turn on some fans or something!