
Watch Hinds Perform at Pitchfork Music Festival in Paris

Madrid-based garage band Hinds haven’t even released their debut album yet, but the growing hype around them shows exactly why they’re one of the most exciting upcoming bands of 2015. They recently performed at the Pitchfork Music Festival in Paris, and footage is now available of two tracks: Trippy Gum and Garden.

Hinds have had a really exciting year as they prepare for the release of their debut album Leave Me Alone, coming out on January 8, 2016. From changing their name to announcing their debut alongside the brilliant single Garden (and its accompanying video clip), to being vocal about the huge, problematic issues they’ve witnessed as a female band in the music industry, it’s clear that this is only the beginning for the four-piece.

In a recent interview with NME, Ana and Carlotta compared their experience as females in music to females in other industries.

“I was perfectly okay with being a girl and being a student, I was perfectly okay with being a video maker… I felt perfect in the world being a girl. And suddenly in music, you are supposed to be more judged about everything you do, how you sing, how you pose, how you dress, how you write songs.

“There’s so many more women in pop music than in garage or rock ‘n roll. Pop music… every detail has to be perfection. In rock ‘n roll it’s mainly boys, and they scream and sing out of tune, and they put out all their clothes on stage and do anything they want, because art is free to express yourself. And being girls in rock ‘n roll, it’s like ‘Woah, woah, why do you do that? Why do you sing like that?’”

Hinds last visited Australia in February 2015, for four small shows across the east coast. Fingers crossed a bigger tour is on the cards for 2016!