
Paul McCartney first whistled the “All Day” melody decades ago

When Kanye West sampled Paul McCartney whistling on his recent single All Dayhe probably didn’t realise that McCartney’s been whistling that tune for some time. Interview footage has just surfaced of the former Beatle whistling the exact same tune 15 years ago. What’s more, is that a song featuring the melody has also surfaced – from 1970!

The hard-hitting track is brash and aggressive, more akin to material off Yeezus than the softer new singles we’ve heard, such as FourFiveSecondsa gorgeous ballad which also features Paul McCartney, as well as Rihanna (in one of, if not her best vocal performance ever.) Anyway, while All Day is overall a fairly aggressive number, is features a lovely little whistling ditty from McCartney.

Interestingly, it turns out that McCartney has been whistling the same tune for more than 40 years. He might not even realise it himself – sometimes we just whistle stuff. Right?

Check out this video from 15 years ago, featuring him being interviewed on a talk show called ‘Parkinson,’ during which he attempts to play a melody on his guitar using only two fingers. Recognise that tune?

But it doesn’t stop there. When The Wind Blows is a Paul McCartney track from 1970. While the single was never officially released, that very same melody appears once again.